Our pal Mona and her mommy got the results from her biopsy - it indicates mast cell tumour -she's going to a specialist on Monday for further tests and for a plan of action -
In the meantime, please POWER UP THOSE PAWS -
Right now, Mona's Mommy isn't up to blogging about it - but she indicated it was okay to share the news with DWB -


See how big the 'feet' are already?


Just chekhking on the kids

And they are just chekhking on us!

I'm napping off my lamb frenzy

Now to sleep it off

For Norwood - Mom spotted this at the pet store we get my kibble at - when she looked on line fur
info about Darwin, she saw they also make a DEXTER Cuz - but he's not a frog -
he's an elephant!
These were taken on Tuesday before the rains arrived


We snagged this on Wednesday afternoon


Whenever we pass these, I look at Mom like don't woo want a pikh of me with them? Wednesday she took one but realised a bit of my floof was out of the frame so we

Shot another

This was the skEYE I had been watching Monday evening
Here is
Mom's Photobukhket Slideshow of this week's stuffs - there are khwite a lot of pikhtures again - some of the sky - some she took on her Sunday AM - Cindy and CindyLOU had overnighted near TMI so Mom passed it on the way to Harrisburg - she snagged some pikhs fur Mango Momma - and as we mentioned earlier in the week, she stopped fur a time to watch the PFs - some of the evening sky pikhs are a bit blurry but Mom left them in fur kholours sake - she also labelled them again as to when they were taken -
Happy FrEYEday All!
I wonder if those PFs crack little tiny beers on Friday. Were they flying straight? :)
Awwwww, you got a bootiful tummy my little friend!
i have a darwin and a dexter! they are the bestest squeaky dudes evarrr!!
the booker man
You've gotta get the floof in the pics!
Love those napping shots. You look super comfy!
We will be thinking of your friend Mona!
It's amazing to see how much the little falcons have grown up - not long ago, they were just eggs!
slp well slp tight beautiful=)
khyra so glad woo've recovered from your after-lamb coma.. to see the luvely purplie flowahs! geesh your momma should know nevah cut off the floof in the photo-op! come on!
peeses: mom was coochie cooing the email you sent of those little cutie pies. had to stop her from hitting the reply-- we'll take them all button!
Look at those babies! They are too cute. We will go see Mona and show some love. Great sky shot!
Teddy Bear
We're so sorry to hear about Mona; we will purr loudly for her recovery...Those flowers are pretty Khyra, but not near as beautiful as you, sweetie!...Happy Friday...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Those birdies are growing fast! So much dog sadness these days... I am typing this comment just before my bedtime but will be sure to swing by and leave a kind word for Mona. This is just terrible. What is going on here!!
Sorry to hear the news about Mona - we will keep her and her family in our thoughts and pop over to visit.
Lovely to see you sleeping off your lambfest - did the humans share the wine too?
You look so contented!
We just love those poppies - just lovely.
Of course the picture is even better with you in it too Khyra - that goes without saying.
The colours are lovely in the sky pics.
Have a nice weekend.
Martha and Bailey xxx
We'll go visit Mona's bloggie right after we leave here MissK. Love the pics of you sniffing the flowers. You are so photgenic!
Have a great weekend.
BabyRD and Hootie
We just came from Mona's blog and she and her mommy will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Mom is smiling at those beautiful poppy shots!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We are very sad to hear Mona's news. We all have crossed our paws and good thoughts and prayers are on their way for Mona and her Mommy. Too much of this stuff, it never ends.
Thanks for cheering us up with those lovely shots of you and those pretty flowers.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
The birdies are so cute! I luvs the picture of you sleeping off your lamb dinner too.
Just got back from visiting Mona, mom and me are sending luvs and prayers to her and her Mom. Too much sad news this week. :(
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
We're sorry abowt Mona, and we're revving up the get well purrs.
Floofle McFloofalot!
Cuz toys! Fantastic. No doubt Norwood will be shopping for one of those immediately.
I still love those poppies! You look all floofy today, too!
Hi Khyra. We stopped by Mona's blog to leave some words of support.
The PF babies are looking great, and so are YOU!
Thanks for letting us know about Mona.
Loved the flowers and we thinks flowers look even better when you are near them. ~AFSS
Thankgoodness you take the time to stop and smell the flowers!
Love the trees/leaves against the dark sky.
I am glad I wasn't the only one who saw the whale!
Thank you for letting us know. Mona will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Woo look soooo pretty with those irises, Khyra! They match your leash and your floof very well.
Hi Khyra! What great pictures! Mommy thinks that your belly needs a good rubbing!!!
Sam I Am wants to know if you liked the yam??
Our dear furend Mona and her loving mom need all of us to lend our paws. Scary!!
Grreat pics of your floofyloons.
Mom says your tummy is just asking to be snorgled. She got each one of us last night. Tazo and I love it. That other one? Not so much.
Happy Friday!
Your pal,
You always look beautiful, but especially so by the pretty flowers!
We will be praying for your friend Nona. Love the pictures of you sleeping...you are just so pretty! The birds sure are growing up. They will be ready to take flight soon! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
We're so sorry to hear about Mona's test results. We will go over and say hi.
You look very pretty next to those pink flowers....
We too are sad to learn about Mona -- and will be sending her our bestest wirey love.
Those flowers are beautiful -- but much more so when enhanced by your floofy tail!!
Wirey love,
Jake and Just Harry
Ahhhhh... such beautiful flowers!
That is very sad news about Mona. I think my mum is more worried bout her mommy. We wre so sure everything would be ok. Thank you so much fur posting the news.
After that lamb feast, napping and sleeping is the next best thing!
Those poppies are very pretty!
Happy weekend Khyra! Perhaps woo's mom will cook another lamb feast fur woo! ;)
Sam & June
p/s: that reminded us to remind mom it's time fur us to get another shank treats.
Thank you, Khyra, for letting everybuddy know about Mona's test results. Oh! That made me sad down to my toes. I hopes they can make her all better.
Your pictures were awfully pretty as usual!
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. I hopes one day your mom can gets your singing on the moving picture beastie!
As always great pics. We have high hopes that Mona will be AOK. Mom says Mona's Mommy is such a very sweet human and sure must have Mona be ok.
Our Mom loves sky pictures too. She loves the colors. And you look mahvelous Khyra!
I am crossing my paws for Mona!
The falcons are getting big so fast!
Love those pretty pics of you and your floof! :)
Woof woof woof! :) I tink the flower bushes are pretty.
We're sorry to hear about Mona but are sending purrs and crossing paws for her!
We're glad you recovered from your lamb frenzy and had a nice walk with pretty flowers and skies!
I is purrrrrings for Mona my furriend!
Those were some wonderfur pictures, you gots rain my furriend? Its been a bit hot here yesterday, been sunny.
Do you luvs belly rubs? I goes on to my back and momma rubs my belly, I luvs it MOL
Khyra thank you for taking us around your yard. Your flowers are beautiful and so is the last picture. Mom loves watching those birdies
happee weekend
Benny & Lily
One can never have enough Khyra floof. We hope all the Dogs will be okay.
Remy and Flash
Oh no! I haven't seen the news about Mona until here, that makes me SO sad. I bet her mom is SO worried. :(
Oh those frogs look so good to play with. Mom you always manage to find cool toys..
Another bunch of beautiful pictures of the sky and the flowers.. Great job Mom. We sure hope you have a great weekend and our rain doesn't come your way..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie
HI! - Still getting caught up. Love your last few posts, especially the nest pix. Good to see that floofy tail again. Hey, when is Merdie coming for a visit? I saw the Golden face. khant wait - BOL
Those are all great pics Khyra! But that sky picture is super cool!
We don't know Mona but we are sending her lots of purrs and prayers to get better!!
Have a wonderful weekend!!
My paws are ready Khyra I'll wag ovet to Mona. I glad you have recovered form your lamb feast - just in time for your next Sunday lunch. Happy weekend!
Wiry love Eric xx
Sorry to hear about your friend, paws crossed for her.
Ah, another installment of upsidedowndog, my favorite!
Hi, Khyra!
I will have my paws crossed for Mona!
Stoping to smell the flowers is important!
And long naps too!
Kisses and hugs
You found some stunning flowers to pose beside Khyra (I accidently typed stud - by any chance, did you find a stud too?)
Those flowers are just lovely. I will purr my hardest for Mona.
Hi Khyra and Phil,
Loved all the great pictures!!!
I'll go by Mona's blog and wish her the best.
Thank you so much for so many good photos everyday!! they are worth the wait it takes me to load them all!!!!!
XXOO, Bambi Fern
Let us know how Mona does. I know how worried her Mom must be...
THANKS for your well wishes for Maguire too, he and I both appreciate them!!
I also wanted to let you know that at the end of my day and a long week, your pictures and post have once again given me a much needed lift, THANKS FOR THAT!! Have a safe and wonderful weekend!!
Dear Khyra
We had much sadness after hearing about Mona and her mommy. We gave some love and words to them.
Our hearts just sink when we hear of sick doggies.
Thank you for the awsome sky and cloud pics to lift our spirits.
Thank you for always being there for all our pals
What pretty flowers, beautiful skies and gorgeous PF's
PeeEss...Mona is in our thoughts and prayers!!
There is a certain specialness to the Sibe being photographed with the Siberian Irises...beautiful!
Very nice floozie napping! I bet you were dreaming of lamb! I know I say it practically every time I comment but you have the prettiest spring ever up in your neck of the woods! I think those Cuz toys are going to take over the world soon... I wonder if they make a Moose cuz?
Mom hates frogs so she should buy us that so I can chew it up! Cuz makes the BEST TOYS!
Poor Mona, that's not good news. :-(
You sure know how to sweep off the lammy! Just sayin.
wif love from the Luke
P.S. Finkin of your floof help me get frew the Friday night storm!
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