Saturday, January 2, 2010

Saturday Celebrating

Happy New Year From Fred and The Doggy Nanny
Khrashed Khousins
Pawtied out
Fighting keeping the eyes open
Even my Sibe stuffie was khrashed

It was khwite the exciting day!

Here are THREE videos fur woo - the furst is a walk and the other two are me diskhovering the joys of Siberian Rules Football!

Walk video here

Furst of the SRF videos


Sekhond SRF video here

I hope woo enjoy them!

Eyeing up The Butterskhotch Menace
And she does the same to me!

We hope all had a nice transition from 2009 to 2010!

I so enjoyed hanging out in The DWB Pawty Room! So many furiends were there and some furiends even made new furiends!


Khyra & Khousin Merdie


The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay i wuz hoping to visit the chatrum but mama and dada kroolly lokd me in my krate and went to visit there frends arownd the korner for the eevening so i missd all the fun i am sorry i wuznt their it sownds like a gud time!!! ok bye

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
Glad you all had a pawesome celebration!
I have to say my mom is an idi.... well you know... she forgot about the chat party! And when she remembered it... it was too late! Hmmm...
Kisses and hugs

Ms. ~K said...

What was Sibe stuffie drinking???
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is a great walking video! Look at all the snow!!! We wish you and Merdie a Happy New Year... also Fred and the Doggy Nanny!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Hi Khyra
It sounds to me like the celebration went awsome bringing in the new year! My mom went to bed at 8 and the other made it to midnite- but we do not know how to chat- you know us - were from the dark ages its seems! I loved seeing the festivities at your house! Happy New Year

Teddy Westlife said...

I did not visit the chatroom, mostly because mum forgot. OH well, I hope you all had a good time anyway.

Jack & Moo said...

Looks like the only ones to welcome the moment were Fred & Doggy Nanny! Woo & Merdie & sibe stuffie look al pawtied out!

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo

PS - it was fun chatting on the dwb chat room & meeting new pups!

Sam said...

Lookit you, Khyra, and Merdie - you must have partied really hard to be that pooped!

Glad you rang in the New Year with friends, family, and fun!

Noah the Airedale said...

The chatroom was awesome fun wasnt it Khyra.
All the best to you for 2010 to you my friend.

Noah xx

Persephone and Buster said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR KHYRA!! looks like you had a good one w/the purple "drinks"..
at least we got SNOW!!no purple drinks...the stuffed leopard and cheetah though <---mmm they were good to gnaw on. ;o)
we do like snow around here too! once it's on the ground we're in it....
stay cool, theBUSTER, Ms.Persephone, Ms.Blue too

Khady Lynn said...

Looks like you had quite the exciting time!! We vegged out with the humans. You know. Typical night at Holly's house!

Happy New Year!

Khady Lynn

Stella said...

Sorry we didn't get to the DWB Shindog! Our computer is being very naughty and is not dependable for much these days.

We are very happy that you had a good time, and Merdie there too!

Happy Noo Year!


Kate said...

Hello Khyra, happy new year from Me and my Ma.

I want to eat those things that fred and the doggy nanny have in their mouths...


Mack said...

Dang it, I missed you in the chat room :(

You and Merdie are two pawty animals!!!

Britny said...

Looks like you had a fun and exhausting new year :-)

Piti said...

Hi Khyra!
I wish you a wonderful new year and all the best for you and your Mom

Duke said...

We were only in the chatroom for a short while on new year's eve. Dad kept us too busy in the workshop supervising!
Wow! Too much pawtying for you and Merdie, Khyra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sonic said...

It's great that you got to party with Merdie! I got to party with lots of humans and stuff, but sadly I didn't get to see Knuckles or Tails.

Rest up! There's a whole year's worth of 2010 to play!


kissa-bull said...

we was wondering what the dwb chat room was?? oh and mommish just loves your videos and thinks your vewy regal looking like a queen.
brinks, bella , guero and coco chanel

Inky and Molly said...

Happy New Year to you & your mum!!
We hope you had a great time over Chrissy & NYE and look forward to seeing more of you in 2010.
Missed the chat pawty as we were all out and about, maybe next year...

Sakura said...

Great party, great photos
have a good 2010!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

All the signs of a great time being had!

Chester said...

HAPPY NEW YEAR KHYRA! I made the transition well, almost like a pro but then again, this was my third New Year's Eve.

Hope you got all rested up and are ready for a healthy and happy 2010!
Who knows, maybe we will get to meet this comin' year!

Chester ;0=)

Cindy said...

My, my, you both look tuckered out. You must have had some party! Looks like the beans had fun, too.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We need to get our two old fogies here to learn how to pawty like the DN and Fred. WE were the only ones ready to pawty here.

As for the football fun, we think you need some teammates to help you move that ball down the field. We are on our way to join the squad.

Great fun videos - thanks for letting us see them.

We tried to get Mom to take us to the chat room, but you know how that goes - she went to bed instead:(

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Gus said...

mmmm...I missed out on the evening session in the chatroom too. It seems TCM was having a Thin Man Marathon. sometimes it is so exciting around here I can hardly stand it.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Looks like you had a GREAT time welcoming 2010.


PS: Mom gave me peanut butter in my Kong, so I am celebrating!!! ~Fenris

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
Looks like you and Merdie sure had a great time pawtying! PAWESOME!!


Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Khyra we want to come and play football with you.. Football in the snow looks like the best fun ever...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

That was some party! Happy 2010 Fred, nanny and Merdie!

Dexter said...

We missed the chat... AGAIN! Sheesh!

That was quite a tumble you took. I think you must be made of rubber like PeeWee. The Mango would never survive a fall like that.

A bit cracker dog with the football I must say.


The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like a good time was had by all!!

Happy New Year!!


Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Hi Khyra,

It looks like you had a pawsome celebration - we all got to watch the New Year come in, but no champagne for us!! What's wrong with that picture?

Happy New Year!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

LOVED your Pawball game. You were grrrreat. The videos were just super.
Aren't you worried about eating all you snow up??? You can't eat it and have it too, you know. I'm just sayin'.

Anonymous said...

how come we never see Khyra chasing Butterscotch? I know she wants to. i can see it in her eyes. does she know her limits on the line?

Kapitein Haakje said...

happy new year khyra :D
we wish you lots of luck in the year 2010

icey kissslobbers
El'bow & Hauwii

The Furry Kids said...

Happy New Year, Khyra & Merdie! Khyra, I think maybe you should try to get drafted by our Detroit Lions. They need your help!

Your pal,

Clive said...

Looks like you had a brillant celebration!

lots of woofs

Golden Samantha said...

So sorry we missed the chat - silly mom - on New Year's eve, finally ma decides to email for the address but is too late to find the secret address - I was very bummed out! But glad it was so fun! LOVED watching the football playing Khyra!!! I've rarely seen her in action, and I must say, she is pawesome at the game!! Would love to play with you, cool girl!!! Hope the snow stays a bit longer!
Hugs xo

Joe Stains said...

Wow you really got some moves!! Too bad that bush totally ruined your fun, I think it should have got a penalty!

Bijou said...

Hi Khyra,

I see you still have snow, barely. I would trade your glop for our frigid temp and hard crusted snow if only I could. We'd both be happy then!


Martha said...

Khyra, we watched your video walking with Merdie and we reckon we need to send more snow!
Tell your mom that having one arm longer is OK - ours says that both her arms now reach her ankles!
Happy New Year to the doggy nanny and Fred too.
Martha & Bailey xxx

How Sam Sees It said...

It looks like you two partied like Sam and Cisco did! We wish you a wonderful New Year!

Sam and Cisco

Valerie Cummings said...

HI Khyra! Sorry about not posting for a while! But it looks like you had a great time!! Hugs Joey and Kealani

Byron y Xinver said...

You look somewhat tired after the celebrations! Happy new year.......

Cliff and Olivia said...

Looks like you're having a wonderful time. We love the photos and videos - especially the one with you and Merdie taking a walk.

Say hi to Merdie from us :-)

Jan said...

We tried to get some champagne to celebrate, but nooooo. Lookhs like you and Merdie drank some though.

Misty the alpha Poodle

Asta said...

Khywa and Kousin Mewdie

I think you must have ahd a wondewful NewYEaw if you bof got so wunged out, heheh
I love the pictoowe of the dog nannie and hew fwiend..I too loved catching up wif some of ouw fwiends at the chat..I'm so happy to have all of you fow fwiends
smoochie kisses

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy New Year!!!

Eric said...

Khyra get ready. I'm wiring you some kissies for the new year haaa!! Wagging you and your cousins and of course your leggeds a wonderful new Year stuffed full of loving, good fortunes and happy times. Give your Mom some of my wired kisses too!

Eric xxxxxxxxxxx

dw said...

You look like you both had a great time out for a walk, and Khyra, you sure had fun in the snow with that football!! Happy New Year!

Jans Funny Farm said...

so you've taken over the game of football now,Khyra. Good exercise.

Biloxi and Siber-sibs said...

HaRooo Khyra!
Where did woo git all dat energy girl?????? Woo was really chasin' da football. Or were woo trying to beat up on dat football?

What was in your water dat woo and Merdie were khrashed out??? Too much pawty my lady friend.

Happy New Year to woo!

Unknown said...

Thank you Fred and Doggy Nanny. I was honored to hear from you directly. I'm off to watch two (!) videos now :) I did visit the chat room but then humans arrived and Mom made me visit. Ugh. She said I was being rude. What's up with that?

Mochi and Bali said...

Your version of football looks fun! I wanna come over and join in!

The chat was fun! We should have DWB parties more often! :)


BeadedTail said...

Khyra, you gotta pace yourself with you pawty with a RockStar like Merdi! They'll poop you out every time!

We enjoyed your football video! You were so cute running around chasing that ball until the tree tackled you!

Peggy's Place said...

Hey there! Stopping by to say Happy New Year, we hope it's the best year ever :-)

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

Happy New Year, beautiful Khyra!
I mentioned your floof today in a poem, I hope you like it... :-)


Kari in Alaska said...

you two sure must have partied hard to get that tired!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra, We were there in the chat room for awhile just before nidnight! We had fun and I hope this is the best year ever!!
You deserve it sweet girl. Your Mama too!
Big kiss for you Khyra, Bambi and Fern

Teddy Bear said...

Happy New Year, Khyra! You look all pawtied out. I was the same way! A chat pawty? We're so bummed we missed out. I hope there is another one soon.

Teddy Bear

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

It looks like you all had a good time seeing the new year in.

Loved your videos!

Our snow has all gone now, we are hoping for some more...snow is such fun! :-)

Ben said...

Looks like Khyra and Merdie partyed like rock stars to ring in the new year. Happy New Year

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

Where are the pictures of Doggy Nanny sleeping because of too much partying like you and Merdie?
