Sunday, March 16, 2025

SUNday Sharing

We were thrilled and surprised to check on The PFs and see THIS!!!

How many more Lady PF?  How many more - the next one should/could come Monday/Tuesday -
Night #1 - 
Just about 730pm - 48 - Cloudy - but there could be some severe storms later today -
Willow's exciting FrEYEday night -
Since we had NOT shared most of last week's Khousin Emmy's pictures...
Here they are!

Roll ready to happen -
Done -

Awaiting their carrots before we headed to lunch -
And Khousin Emmy telling her mom she would behave but to hurry back!

We had a productive day - started at Dawn's - then a quick drop off of the Spring per capita tax - $5 - then I did the BIG deed on The List - THE TAXES!!! - and I've gotten notification the Federal and the State have been accepted - the County doesn't acknowledge but I can check the website - but that was a no payment/no refund due one -

So I am satisfied to have THOSE off the coming list(s) - and celebrated with my load of laundry -

Sadly, POOF went the weekEND - oh well - 

Happy SUNday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!


Duke said...

Mom always breathes a sigh of relief when her taxes are in the mail and headed to their destinations. Happy Sunday!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woohoo - an egg has arrived. It seems early but maybe not. So sad to hear that one of the Big Bear baby eaglets didn't survive the snow storm:(. Great to see Emmy. And good job getting the taxes done and submitted.

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

You are wise to soak up as much late winter sun as you can