Thursday, February 6, 2025

Thursday Thinking

 The Royal Couple at The PF Palace -

Just after 730pm - 29 - Partly Cloudy - and the region is prepared for a MESS today - most - if not all the schools are set for virtual learning days - and yes, the Laptop is in The Khottage -
Last Thursday's Plant Box stop on the way to The GKP -

Proud PB -
Showing off The Valentine Collection -
With Kerri Stuff Close By - we are going to Kerri's on Saturday - have some πŸ’žto pick up -

And it was off to The GKP -
Lunch salad - and tasty tasty HOT CHAI - and the sticker is still doing the job to keep the liquid from ending up in the cup holder πŸ‘
Making sure to leave Willow with her treat -

And the words she looks forward to: WHEN MOM COMES HOME IT'S WEEKEND!!!

Happy Thursday EvFURRYone!

All Of Us At NAK's Khottage
Now With KhattleDOG!  


Duke said...

Love the Valentine collection. Happy Thursday!

DeanO said...

Happy Thursday! May the snow and wintry mix go away and stay away!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hope the storm wasn't too annoying. Maybe Dawn's needs to get those stir sticks that Starbucks had/has that plug up the opening:)

Woos - Misty and Timber

Ruby Rose and the Big Little Angels 3 said...

Your birds are eagles at heart

The Oceanside Animals said...

Java Bean: "Ayyy, that little dog at the Plant Box, always on duty!"