Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Walkin' Wednesday 2018

 Keeping watch over The PF Palace -

 AUGUST!  My month - Mom's month -
 Khousins Emmy and Bentley's month -
 And Tommy AND His #1's month too!
 All ready fur our Monday morning walk!



SUNday night Mom khaptured THIS VIDEO so she didn't do a walkin' one - maybe next week we'll try to liven it up fur THAT - but fur now, we hope woo enjoy Mom being khaptured by a khrazy wyld Golden Retriever!

Sadly, this day marks THAT day - return to The GKP and the khountdown to Saturday night!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!



Duke said...

I ran over to the computer when I heard you barking on your video, Emmy! You look like a superFun playmate☺ Love those little flowers around the mailbox!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay my dada sez i shud ask if little bunny fou fou wuz pikking up the feeld mice and bopping them on the hed!!! but that duz not sownd like sumthing a sweet littel bunny wood do duz it??? he gits sum weerd ideeas sumtimes!!! ok bye