Monday, July 30, 2018

Monday MOMSandMEandHERSday

 One and
 TWO PF's!
 The Moms snagged this shot a few weeks ago whilst ROTEing!
 Now some HER!


Mom was big lazy Saturday night and didn't take any shots of our 'fun' - what woo see are from last week - and JUST Khousin Emmy!

Our SUNday was a low key FUNdaySUNday!  We slept in - and had a WALK and TOAST!

The MOMS went to TSC - we were needing kibble fur later in the week - and they did a bit of PUPPY shopping!
Well, not THAT kind of PUPPY - one of the staff from Quaker Lube is going to have a PUPPY in late Okhtober - this past Saturday was the big gender reveal PAWty - Auntie Di was going to attend but decided to wait - and then she and Mom would visit The Nice Trish Lady at work - WELL, TNTL sent Auntie Di a FB message Saturday night to say it was going to be a GIRL PUPPY!!!  

Even thought Auntie Di had already gotten some stuff at TarJ, they HAD to get something fur HER now that they knew IT was a SHE!!!  

They went to TSC - then QSL - then returned home to US!

Happy Monday EvFURRYone!

PeeEssWoo: Tomorrow would have been TADN's 81st Birthday - so there will be a gathering tonight to celebrate!  We'll share on Thursday of khourse!

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