Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Walkin' Wednesday 2014

 Khyra's Mom here - first, some serious stuff - this is a very special Siberian human - she's fighting viral encephalitis - her family and friends have gathered together to let Kelly know how loved she is and how everyone is looking forward to seeing her SMILE again - they even asked that videos be posted to her FB page so they can be played for her - we recorded one on SUNday - the emotions of it all got in the way of the 'script' so I babbled but you'll get the idea - during the video - as we got close to Clooney The Handsome Golden Retriever's house, a Red Tailed Hawk circled above us -  we hoped that was an omen of healing energies circling all the way to Oregon for Kelly - HERE IS THE VIDEO WE DID FOR HER - you can read about her gofundme page in the comments for the video
 Now for our regularly scheduled post - TAKE IT KHYRA -
 Okay Mom - here are some pikhs from our SUNday walk -

Well, this one was taken on Monday as we took our FoURst walk - Antares was out snoopervising some trees being trimmed and removed at his place - and this was in the street - I told Mom to take it fur Khousin Geufy - but he doesn't need MOReBARK - he needs less ;-)

Here is this week's video - and once again, you'll hear Mom babble but this time it was ovFUR the SUNDOG that was present fur our entire walk - she tooks some pikhs of it with the khrakhkerberry and the khrappy khamera - we'll be sharing them later this week - probably on FrEYEday SkEYEday of khourse - along with more of those artsy fartsy tree and leaf pikhs - 

As I paw this together - just before 730pm Tuesday - we've gather Khousin Geufy's khamp stuffs - and we'll be loading him in The Khamp Bus - aka The Zen-terra - to return him to MOUNT WOLF!

He thanks evFURRYone fur letting him PAWticipate in all the FUN associated with Khamp Khyra - especially getting to meet #1 and Koobie&The Other Phyllis!

Happy Wednesday EvFURRYone!

Khyra and Khousin Harley


Dandy Duke said...

Our paws will be crossed for Kelly! What a pretty girl she is and so young.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

I so would have loved to come on those walks with you guys!


Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Paws Crossed fur KELLY...

OMD your pictures today are BEAUTIFUL.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Sending lots of hugs to Kelly
lily & Edward

Elyse K said...

Hello, beautiful Khyra and Khousin Harley! I enjoyed your walk pikhs very much! XO

Joining in the prayers and paw-sitive thoughts for your friend Kelly.

White Dog Blog said...

Adding our White Dog healing energies to the circle of paws and love surrounding Kelly!

You still seem to have LOTS of bright Autumn colors...and we are jealous of all the leaves on the ground...not yet here.