Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tuesday Telling

I had just finished a good roaching - some mom didn't get the khamera on in time
Hey, I khan't help woo are slow on the draw!
I spied something!
Then I sat fur to khool my fluffy tail and watch all the geese meander along the golf khourse
Letting her know I knew what she was doing
Then I resumed my high intensity workout!
I am snow going to miss this!
But soon my khytty khat bush will be blooming!
Talk to the tail Mom!
My handsome pal Corbin has a furry khool khontest going on ovFUR at his place - chekhk it out!!!

I think it would be furry khool fur Corbin and me to go along on a transport with Mom - fur example, look at two of the khuties that should be on board fur this weekend - February 19 and 20th's transport -
Lil Bit
Of khourse, there are more passengers - and HOPEFULLY Joanie and Susan will be making it this week - they are on the preliminary runsheet so please khross those paws fur them to make it THIS time!

What do woo think Corbin? A nice ride along our part of I81 - Merryland to Pawsylvania - listening to my mom babble whilst being subjekhted to 87000 pikhs?

So, what would woo do with Corbin? I khan't wait to see the other entries!

Mom and I want to thank evFURRYone fur the nice Happy HEARTS Day wishes AND the kind words about her pawesome Sunday passengers!




Sam said...

Gotta say, Khyra.. we normally love the snow, but we've had an icy, slushy mess since December, and I'm ready for dry ground!

Jan said...

Pebs has quite the ear do. Those geese sound delicious. Maybe you can get a chance to play catch with them. Probably not.

Misty the alpha Poodle

ForPetsSake said...

Khyra - you're so beautiful! And those pups you'll be transporting, just precious.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

I hope you and mom enjoyed your days off!

The sneak previews of the coming weekend's transports are waaaaaaay to cute!

Stumpy and her bean

Teddy Bear said...

I hope the snow stays with you until Spring.:) Aww, those pups are just too cute.:)

Teddy Bear

Yas said...

Woo! you still have snow!
As always the passengers got mommy going oohs and ahhs over here!


Fiona said...

Best of luck Khyra to your Mom with her upcoming transports - she does great work!

take care
Clive and Murray

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

E're so glad you're enjoying snow and sun. Khyra! We have had none since the beginning of the year and today is wet, windy and cold.


Unknown said...

Corbin's contest is really cool! He's a guy with humour and creations.
Hope the cute pups got their homes soon.

Rocky Creek Scotties and Rocky Creek Ramblings said...

Our Mom is in love with Pebs - what a cute canine!!

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi

Maxmom said...

Hey there Khyra...
Enjoy your snow, sweet one!
I'm sure you are looking forward to helping those cute little faces this weekend. Good luck with the run.

Jen said...

Oh, it looks like your snow might be on the way out... same as here, in Saskatchewan. It's pretty melty these days!

CUTE transports!!

Jen and the Black Dog Crew

Dexter said...

Seems we are both watching the snow melt. You with sorrow, me with joy.


Khumbu said...

woooo Khyra your so lucky sitting in that snow every day and you look so pretty in it with your floofiness.

Your hu'mum sure does a great job transporting all those lucky doggies onto their furever homes.

Maggie Mae and Max said...


I thinks dat Corbin would LUVS your wunderful idea! He could helps you take care of all da pups in da car. :)

Woofs and Licks,
MAggie Mae

houndstooth said...

Our snow is melting so fast, there are rivers in the street!


Suka said...

hey Khyra,

Love your pics! And that was some workout you had, good job! I am so furry happy you still have plenty of snow to bask in. Enjoy while you can, it always leaves too soon!

Adorable pups!


Pedro said...


Mom says she is KHOLD today! North wind go away. I know you like the snow but we are sooooo ready for Spring!


Chris and Ricky said...

Our snow is almost all gone but luckily you still have just enough Khyra!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Why don't yoo pop some snow in the freezer and store it ready for when it's all gone?

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

I think Corbin would enjoy that trip, I know Rudy would!
You look so wonderfully beautiful in those pictures :)

Rudy's Raiser

Kari in Alaska said...

Squee! Can you hold on to lil bit for me?


Anna the GSD said...

Wow, at first I was like "who's that pointer dog wearing a Khyra coat!" then realized it was you! What a pose girlfriend!!

Hope you enjoy your snows...sadly I think they'll be going away soon, but then comes SPRING!!!

brooke said...

Khyra can you send some of your snow this way?!
Peb's has the cutest wonky ears!

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Khyra. Maybe you'll get some more snow before winter's all the way over.

I think that is a Most Exciting and Wonderful thing to do with Corbin. Especially with those two cutie patooties for passengers!

Wiggles & Wags,

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are glad to see you outside enjoying your snow while you can.

Those are two cuties. We hope you get to go along for a transport with them!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

My S- - - is all gone....

I'm glad... and you are sad.

I'm thinkin there will be some more yet to come though. OK?

Two French Bulldogs said...

Are you on alert for those tree rats Khyra?
Benny & Lily

Remington said...

Our snow is melting! But have no fear the guy in the radio box said there is more on the way!

The Thuglets said...

Khyra pleased you are still enjoying the snow ..even with the sun.

The pups you will be transporting are just so specail.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

BeadedTail said...

Khyra, your snow is getting less and less each day. Better khool your tail while you can! Those transports are so cute and it would be great if you and Corbin could go along too!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Khyra you snow is slowly disappearing.. You look like you have a sheep-dog look going there too..
We sure hope all works out for this weeks tranport. Your current transports look so cute...

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Duke said...

We wish your snow would stay forever. We know how much you love it, Khyra!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Zona said...

Hold everything... you still have SNOW?!? Ours is gone. I'm going to head up to your place, okay?


Wyatt said...

I think Corbin would like to do that furry furry much!!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sheesch, Khyra..I know your a little irritable about the projected highs for the end of the week but did ya HAVE to whack me with your stoopid tail last night when I delivered my Valentine?? One whack with that thing and I had been flung over the Turnpike tunnels...

Now, I'm comin' by again tonight...on my Broom...pickin' you up to go to watch the terriers at Westminster...don't care if it's not your scene...think of all those potential DATES...Lacie sighs dreamily...

Oh...you're gonna hafta work the rudder on the Broom...it can be a bit tempermental....


Donna said...

O hai! I love ur fields of snoo u can play in. :)

Here is a really neat link to a story on the Dog Show, with an awesome Alaskan doggie:


:) Enjoy!

White Dog Blog said...

Maybe you should start filling the freezer with snowballs now! Geese AND Squirrels...you could have some kind of amazing luau!

The transport looks like it is shaping up to be a carful of cuties.

KB said...

Khyra, I can tell how much you love the snow... Does anyone try to golf in the snow? That would be great entertainment!

Your transport looks SO cute. I hope that Corbin comes along, especially since one of them looks like a little Corbin!

Moose said...

I stop roaching when I hear the camera start so momma never catches it! It looks lik your snow is melting??? oh dear! That Corbin looks like a totally fun dude. I bet he plays crazy!

the_Dogfather said...

Hi Beau-ti-woo, happy v-day!!❤❤❤
Wish i could join u on the pawsome adventure....those kiddos are so awwwww......cute!

Amber and Nala said...

Oh Khyra, I know you will miss the snow but I hope it is nice and sunny by April for my Mom when she travels through your area. She will be driving down from Cleveland to WV to visit her family and she hopes for nice weather. Maybe you can send up a wish to the weather gods of the east coast for her. ;) Tell your MOm we said hello and we hope hope you both are doing well!


Lorenza said...

I know you are going to snow until the last bit of snow stays there!
Kisses and hugs

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Honestly, that BIS winner looked like a hooooooooge terrier!!!

You were fab company tonight...should we go out to a club here in NYC or should I just toss you off the Broom over PA??

Did you really have to wear a sensible suit, dark hose and flat shoes???

I so have an outfit you can change into....



Did you see the SH tonight was from da Burgh? Least that's what Daddy said...

Chewy said...

wow khyra,

looks like the snow is melting there. Hope you had a great valentines day.


Corbin said...

Oh, this is a most awesome adventure and one clearly after my own hearts desires!!!

Elyse K said...

Dear Khyra,

Woo are very beau-woo-tiful in these pikhs!

I always enjoy photos of woo!

Have a safe transport,

Anonymous said...

Khyra, we need to talk... Can you please come take our snow/ice??? It is awful, we can't even have a proper game of zoomies!! Don't forget to come stop by our blog before Saturday for a give-a-way!
Licks & Puppy Kisses,
Kylie & Jimmy

Road Dog Tales said...

Those are some cutie pies on the next transport! We totally think you and Corbin should go :)

The Road Dogs