Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Walkin' Wednesday 2010

But furst,Merdie wanted me to share this pawesome news about her elder bean Brandon - she sent the pikh above with her iPhone Monday evening with this pawed message
Our superstar Brandon finished second place out of 75 kids at school in a math competition. He now goes to York College in a couple weeks to compete against other 3rd graders from other schools in York county
I think Merdie must be have done a pawesome job helping khoach Brandon!
Whilst Mom poured water to make the magikh brown juice I had my DN massage
Then some 'pre out the door' Doga
So I khould go sit in the rain (the shot shows the flash but it also shows the raindrops)
Princess RainKhloud
Yes, I know woo think I'm silly
But it is windy and evFURRYthing smells SOOOO good!
Ahhhhhhhhhh! it is...this week's Walkin' Wednesday video

We hope all are having a GReat day!

We'll be keeping our eyes on the PFs and trying to snag any shots we khan. As I prep this post fur Wednesday (and as woo saw in my pikhs above), it is a dampkhoolbreezy one here and the pawrents will be staying hunkered down on their April/May eggs!


3/30/2010 :: Egg Number Five!Shortly after noon today, March 30th, the fifth egg arrived. This is probably the full clutch. From this point until the eggs hatch around the end of April, the male will be the primary hunter, providing food for the female. He will also incubate the eggs about 30% of the incubation period. After hatching, up until the eyases fledge in the middle of June, both of the adults will rely on their hunting skills to provide for a rapidly growing family. The abundance of migrating and resident birds in the area will be key to the success of the falcon nesting season here at the Rachel Carson State Office Building.

Mom was watching about that time - akhtually just after it - she thought something looked difFURent!

Remember, at any time woo khan visit the site too and see w h a t's g o i n g o n w h a t's g o i n g o n

(Sing it MG!)


Khyra & Khousin Merdie By Proxy


Life With Dogs said...

Smart kid! I can barely do the math to figure out that I'll never retire.

Stay dry! Unless you're getting one from the fridge...

houndstooth said...

Oh congrats to Brandon! That's a great trophy!

I hope you get better weather soon. I'm not fond of rain.


Amber and Nala said...

OMD!! I was shocked to see a little human on here....congrats to Brandon! He must be one smart pup, I mean kid! :) Looks like that massage from the DN was enjoyed too.


Amy / Layla the Malamute said...

WOW!! Maybe Merdie can help me with my math? I never was that good at math, but that's awesome!! Let us know how he does.

Layla LOVES going out in the rain. She'll have a fit at the door as if her bladder's about to explode, but then she'll just lay down and stay out in the rain. I guess it's as close to snow as we'll get for awhile.
Congratulations on the 5th egg!! Can we start calling you Auntie Khyra yet?

Lorenza said...

Congratulations to Brandon!
He is going to beat the others too!
I enjoyed your long walkie, Khyra!
Kisses and hugs

Khady Lynn said...

You remind me of Samuel. He likes to hang out in the rain too. But, he's afraid of storms.

Further proof he's the weirdest Sibe ever!


BeadedTail said...

Congratulations to Merdie's bean! He did a great job and we wish him well in the next competition too!

You are the cutest sponge ever Khyra! We enjoyed the walk with you too!

Five eggs? Wow! How exciting! Can't wait to see the babies!

Moco said...

That is one clever biped. That Merdie is a great teacher.

Vicki said...

Great trophy! Congratulations.

Jacqueline said...

Congratulations, Brandon!...Khyra, you're a real beauty in the rain, but we hope the weather gets better soon!...xo...Calle,Halle,Sukki

Yas said...

Hi Khyra!
Careful not to catch a cold being in the rain..


Donna said...

I like takin walkies too. :)

sharkgila said...

khongrats Brandon! and merdie of course!

Togo, Tagar & Gamby

Kate said...

Coach Merdie needs a permanant position at Camp Khyra!

Koda MD
PD Bring the BrandonBean! He would give good tummy rubs! As would the doggynanny

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Brandon Bean is brilliant! Well done!

We hope the weather improves for yoo soon. otherwise whoo will get whet!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Well done Brandon Bean

Khyra, I love sitting in the rain too. It makes my furs all wet and smelly. Such a lovely smell wet furs smell. Sometimes I rool in the wet grass so I get wetter and smellier. Then because I am such a nice doggie and nice doggies always share, I take my lovely wet furs smells indoors and rub it on everything ~ Shen

Dexter said...

Great job, Brandon! We think math nerds rock!

Yuh, good thing you walked on Monday because the rain that never ends came in, right? Sigh.


Daisy said...

Congratulations to Brandon! You must be very smart!

Kapitein Haakje said...

super doper brandon!! :D

El'bow & Hauwii

Pat Wahler said...

Congrats to Brandon. I'm very impressed!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Way to go Brandon!
Did you howl at the moon in PA, Khyra?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Khyra, you should hop on the first available flight and come over here. It is raining and it is windy! Sheer perfection (NOT!).

Go Brandon!

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Congrats to Brandon! He looks so happy!

We've had way to much rain, hope you don't have much longer till the SUN comes!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Woo Hoo - congrats to Brandon, what a awesome achievement! And good luck in the next round.

We have wonderful walking weather here, but the Momster says she just can't take us right now:( We are all hoping it will happen soon.

Thanks for sharing your walk.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Caiara

Maxmom said...

That is one handsome and clever kid!!!..I'm sure he gets it from you, Khyra!

Please tell him that MAXDOG's girls also LOVED maths when they were at school and we are holding thumbs (Uh...paws) for the next stage!

Good luck, Brandon!

Way to go!


Cat Mandu said...

Khyra, you have your work cut out for you, coaching Brandon for the big event! What a smart boy he is!

McGillicutty said...

Brandon's lucky he didn't have me as a math teacher, but if he ever needs a bar-tending teacher, I'm his dog!

Your walkie looked fun, and me thinks that your mom is talented to be able to video and walk you. Me mom hasn't figured that out yet... does she wear the camera on her head? Well, maybe walking 2 Irish Terriers is different than you, Miss Well-Behaved Khyra! Maybe me mom will figure it out.

I'm glad that we entertained you on our modeling session post!

Irish Love,

Arran, Arthur and Mum said...

hm, no I not so keen on the rain, Mum says my skin not even get wet even when I has a bath so I need to toughen up, but I a spoiled Mummy's boy and proud of it. hehe!
~lickies, Ludo

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

Yeah BRANDON. That is just the bestest ever!!! A trophy for being a very much super student!! MUCH MUCH MUCH better than one for football or some other silly thing!!!!

The Luke said...

Now I know why the Merdie had to rush back home... to help her Bean Brandon prep for his big maff competition!

Well done, Brandon... and Merdie!

Khyra, I know that back rub felt so good... you prolly out in the rain so you can come in and get the towel rub!

Khan't wait for the fledglin fun!

wif love from the Luke

Stella said...

Congrats to Cousin Merdie on the smartness of her bean, Brandon! I love it that she coaches him. I hope he wins big in NY too!

I used to think you were crazy when you stood out in the rain, but since you told me you were playing sponge, now I get it.


Stella said...

Excuse me, I thought the handsome and very smart Brandon was going to NY but it is York, PA he is going to which is good since it is not so fur away.


Stella who maybe needs glasses.

Mack and Mia said...

Tell your little hooman he is so freaking pawsome and to keep up the good work!

I need you to teach Mia some lessons about the rain. She is a big baby, a big wussy, well she is mainly just big.

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Sam said...

Congrats to Brandon! Math is NOT my forte so I am impressed by those who master it!

Anonymous said...

Khyra, girl - you so crazy! Sitting out in the wind and the rain? That's like one of the worstest things I can imagines! But I'm glad you like it.

And congrats to Merdie's little bean. That's a Most Amazing accomplishment.

Wiggles & Wags,

Backcountry Brodie said...

Congratulashuns Brandon! That woz most impressive. Math is impawtant coz it helps keep count of your bones and cookies so you knows you is not getting cheated.

the booker man said...

gratsers to brandon boy on his super elite math skillz!
you look pretty in the grass, miss khyra. i like to stay outside and sniff all the smellies even if it's kinda ickies and rainin', too.
i hope the sunshinies come back soon!
the booker man

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow congrats to Brandon - that is very awesome that he did so well!

And it looks like you are having a good time in the rain. We don't get that because we don't really like water, but we think if you do then that is ok. We know doggies like weird wet stuff like that. And you do look very cute!

Anonymous said...

WTG BRANDON!!! WOO~HOO, you'z is one smart cookie! And yes, we gots some snows up here yesterday! Just a coating though.

TwoSpecialWires said...

Hey Khyra. Tell Merdie to tell Brandon:
"Way to go, Brandon!"

Eight paws up!
Jake and Fergs

Nubbin' Tails said...

Way to go Brandon! My mom likes math too! Out just laying in the rain? Really? That would mean getting wet, wet body, wet feet, YUCK! Have I mentioned I'm not so much a fan of water? :-D

Hope you have better weather headed your way.


Mr. Nubbin'

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

Good job Brandon! Merdie you are such a great khoach! Khyra, we are sure that you khoach Merdie to khoach Brandon. :)

Sam & June

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Yeah Brandon!!!

Hope the rain goes away soon...although, you seem to like it ok!


Amrita said...

Congratulations Brandon. Love all the beauties

Ruby and Penny said...

Congrats to Brandon & Coach Merdie.
Love Ruby & Penny

Martha said...

Well done to Brandon - our mum still can't add up!
That was a lovely pic with his trophy.
For a biped he is quite cute. Talking of which Ms Fluffy Tail you are looking cute in all your pics.
You may want to book a flight to Scotland - we have returned to blizzard conditions.
We are off on our Easter break!!!!!Oh well, it might get better. Catch up with you when we get back.
Be good and have a great Easter.
Martha & Bailey xxx

Moose said...

Merdie must be very proud of him! Sorry for your rain- I know you wish it was snow :-(

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Merdie for being an excellent tutor! Congratulations to the bird too. At last!

Jack & Moo said...

Congrats to Brandon! Our dad teaches that stuff, we let him do all the "figuring" around here. Enjoy the weather Princess Rainkhloud FT!

jack a-roo & moo too

Unknown said...

Congratulations to that smartypants little Brandon Bean Boy! What a cutie - Mom says he's a 10!

Hope your floofy furs don't shrink in all this rain. I'm over it!

Your pal,


Anonymous said...

Khyra! It's Mayzie again. I can't believe I forgot but I meant to tell you this morning "thank you, thank you" for all you did to help the "Max Project" happen. Gosh, that touched my and my mom's hearts (and made my mom kinda leaky). I think you and your mom are really, really super special!

Wiggles & Wags,

Ina in Alaska said...

Way to go Brandon!! Good luck at the next challenge. Love DN massage technique!! The rain looks very soothing after Doga!! xoxo

Chris and Ricky said...

WooHoo Brandon!!!

5 eggs? Amazing! We're still waiting for #1.

Remington said...

Congrats to Brandon! Great job!

Daisy Dog said...

Khongratulations on the award Brandon!! Its very khool that your mom is keeping us updated on those little baby eggs :)

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Congrads to the little biped. We are rooting for him in the next competition..
Wonderful walk you got in. Hey Mom a little wet under carriage never hurt anyone.. he he

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Sagira said...

Congrats to Brandon, that is awesome news. I bet Merdie is so proud of him.

Your Doga looks like so much fun, I do that around the house to. :)

Dog By Nature said...

That's a really big trophy...congrats to Brandon (& Merdie)!! You are funny sitting out there in the rain Khyra...hope you shake before you go back inside...that fur could hold a LOT of water, BOL!

Kari in Alaska said...

congrats to Brandon!

Clive said...

Congrats to Brandon! That was some achievement!

Great photos Khyra!

take care
Clive and the NSLM

White Dog Blog said...

Congratulations to Merdie's young bean...he seems very smart and good luck to him in continued competition. I love the rain, too, but prefer to sit on the covered porch where my coiff doesn't get bedraggled. Have you heard the news? Ben has reached 268 now every comment is going toward YOUR charity! How cool is that?

dw said...

Heee, I love your "Princess Rain Cloud" pose! And Brandon did fantastic!! Good luck to him in the next round! Oh, and I checked that mapquesty thing... you're right, York wasn't too far from where we were in Hagerstown or Harpers Ferry! Wows!

ocmist said...

What a proud looking young man, and we'll bet that the rest of his humans are all proud of him, too! Tell Merdie she did a GREAT JOB!

We just came over after catching up on Max and then going over to the artist who did the work on his portrait! What an awesome job she did AND what an awesome bunch of friends you spearheaded to get this job done! Your hearts are just SOOOO BIG and loving! Thanks from another of Max's friends for giving them such a wonderful gift!

Grammy and the Country Corgi Crew

D.K. Wall said...

Congratulations Brandon! Math is one of those subjects our hu-dad really likes (ok, he will admit some of those OTHER subjects in school were not quite as much fun), but it is also very useful. Like when he has to count to make sure we are all still here and not out wandering the neighborhood.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Khyra,
My doctor's visit was good!! I 0lost 10 lbs since last year. Everything was in the almost normal range.
Love watching the falcon!!!
You don't have it bad in the rain department next to further north, right?
Hugs, Bambi & Fern

Cloud the Wonder Dog said...

CongRATs to Brandon! Merdie must be an excellent coach AND good luck charm!


PS. Khyra, you're sitting outside in the RAIN!!! **shudders**

1000 Goldens said...

The elder bean is super cute :)

How Sam Sees It said...

Congratulations! That is an award to be truly proud of!


PS - we really love your green field!

Unknown said...

Princess RainKloud
make it stop raining please! Just for a few days. And your bean is super smart! I've never seen a MATH trophy before. Wowzer.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

What a smart boy Brandon is and also a cutie. That is so great that Merdie was such a wonderful coach.
We wish him lots of luck in the next competition.
What an awsome trophy.
Khyra, is your fur nice and soft now- after that nice rain?

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Congrats to Brandon, That is quite a grand award!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Teddy Bear said...

Congrats to Brandon. Merdie and his pawrents must be so proud.:) Did you have fun in the rain?:)

Teddy Bear

Duke said...

Congratulations to Brandon! Well done!
We can't wait to see sunshine today, Khyra! This rain has been so depressing!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Brandon YOU ROCK.. Your beans must be all so proud... Love GJ xx

The Oceanside Animals said...

Good stretch, Khyra -- you are a doga master. Congratulations to Brandon!

Ruby's Raiser said...

Congrats to Brandon!!! Math is not our strong suit over here. :)

Sigh, I miss rain. Can you send some this way?