Friday, January 2, 2009

Not Workin' Fur The Weekend!

All Pawtied Out!
The DWB NYE Chat was a blast! We were up way too late! We kept trying to leave and get to bed BUT evfurrytime we thought we were leaving, more pals khame into the room!
We slept in until 10:30!
We did furry little on Thursday BUT we did get a furry nice walk. When we khame bakhk, Mom shoveled the leaves so we khould akhcess the door again! It took her over a half hour! The GBL is now in two bags and two khans!
Mom had intended to start the new musikh feature today BUT was unmotivated! Therefore, it will khommence next week!
We spent all of New Year's Night khatching up on blogs since they multiplied like khats during our time in the DWB NYE chat AND then whilst we slept!
Hope evfurryone had a great day and got to eat something traditional. Mom did have some pork, sauerkhraut, mashed potatoes, and PURPLE khaliflower. SO, she's all set fur some good lukhk this year! KHOOL fur us!
PeeEssWoo: NO work today! WOO HOO!
PeePeeEssWoo: How were those TIGERKHYTTY bones Wally?


Anonymous said...

Hi Khywa
Tht sounds like a pawfect way to celebwate the NewYeaw to me..being wif fwiends and catching desewve a nice west and some vewy yummie tweats. I'm glad youw Mom had those yummie eatables..she's suwe tohave gweat luck this yeaw. and so will you!
sweet dweams
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

G'day Khyra,
It was a hoot in the chatroom. I could hardly keep up with all the different conversations hee hee.
We were there when your clock truck midnight. Wasn't it a blast!


ThePainterPack said...

Khyra you are my hero! I want to be just like you when I grow up!! **what? I'm already growed up? who knew**

My Mommy isn't sure about how to join the DWB...she's tried. Sometimes she's, challenged.

Ha roo roo!!!

Mya Boo Boo

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, I was a bit too late for the chat pawty actually. Is it still going on?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Dexter said...

I, too, spent most of the day yesterday catching up. So many friends, so little time.


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We bet that rest was just filled with dreams of all your furiends. We missed the chat - Mom was a pawty pooper and went to bed early.

That dinner sounded tasty, especially the purple cabbage - we know how much woo both love that color.

The music will wait but good thing there is no work today!!!

Woos, the OP Pack

D.K. Wall said...

Happy New Year Day After to you too. We also got way behind on blogs, but don't een have the DWB chat to blame. We were just lazy.

Gus said...

Muzzer folded fast after that glass of bubbly stuff. When we got going yesterday, efurryone was gone. Glad you enjoyed chat...hope you have a grrrrreat weekend.


Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to all the furries, especially Khyra and her "khrew."

Slept through the turning of the calendar, because we throw a New Year's Day party for about 50 of our neighbors and friends. Phew...Billy is exhausted from trying to charm food out of everyone...and it worked once or twice, but my friends are well-trained to not give sweets and to ask for a sit or down before he can have anything! The three girlies napped all day away from the hustle and bustle of the party...which is to say that they would have behaved like heathens, so weren't invited, though we love them dearly!

Hope 2009 is the best year for all of our friends, real and virtual, hairless and furry!

Mack said...

I wish I could've come to the chat pawty! Mom went to bed with the chickens and she doesn't like me on the computer alone!

We wish you and your sweet momma the best year ever!!

Thor and Jack said...

Happy New Year Khyra!


Daisy said...

I think today would be a good day to stay inside and watch cartoons!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello khyra its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow purpel kawliflowr!!! wot wil they think of nekst green beer??? ok bye

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

The chat was very fun. We didn't check back in on Thursday to see how long everyone chatted. Happy Friday.


The Musketeers said...

Happy New Year Miss Beautiful fluffy tail !

Jack & Moo said...

Well, woo do looked like a pooped pup! Somehow we weren't surprised to find woo on the chat room at 2 am or whatever it was when we finally got there!

Woos & a-rooos, have a nice nap!
Star & Jack a-roo

BeadedTail said...

It certainly sounds like you need time to rest with all that going on. I know what you mean about those blogs multiplying!

Have a nice day Khyra!

Jan said...

Our human went to bed early on New year's eve and then watched football all day. We aren't tired at all, but ready for a romp or we will trade her for another human.

Just kidding.

Misty the alpha Poodle

The Army of Four said...

Our parents ate free-holies for luck in the New Year. They wouldn't share. New year - same old rules!
Play bows,

Eduardo said...

That party was so fun! I wish I could've stayed longer! That food sounds good!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Deetz said...


You always make me giggle and bring a huge smile to my face. Happy New Year!!!!!

Joe Stains said...

Happy New Year!!! We have been lazy too, Mom is just cooking again for the first time in a week! We didn't get to go into the chat as much as we wanted thanks to stinkin Mom.

Lacy said...

w00f's Khyra, our chat pawty wuz fun as usual...heehee and we iz behind in bloggies too...they changed the weather, we not gonna git a wintry mix..its sunny and bright today..

b safe,

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra! Glad you can get in the door again. You look nice and cozy resting on your rug. If I try to rest on a rug around here, my pesky little brother jumps on me and then chews the rug!

Your friend,

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

You do look all pooped out..
Dad had to work today but he is home now.. He got to leave at 3 which was nice....

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Archie and Melissa said...

hi khyra!
what a wonderful way to spend new years!
have a relaxing weekend! we will be back to see what you are up to!
m & e

Ruby and Penny said...

Happy New Year Khyra
My mom didn't have to work today. We spent the day playing & snoozing.
I hope your 2009 is full of Good Luck.
Love Ruby

Kelli said...

Hi Khyra!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time at the DWB chat pawty! I didn't know about it until after! I wish I could have joined in! We didn't have any of those yummy food things, Owner Girl had to work until 11:00 and got home just in time to see the ball drop! Then we had cheese and crackers and all the people went to bed! I thought we were gonna party! Oh well. Happy New Year!

Mason Dixie said...

sounds like the chat room was a lot of fun. I asked mom if we could join it but alas she had to go into work :( maybe next time.

Duke said...

We were in the chatroom a couple of times too, Khyra! We're sorry that we missed you! We did catch Tubey!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Teddy Westlife said...

Naps are definitely in order. Rest up for 2009 Khyra!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

LuLu and LoLLy! said...

Hi Khyra! We are 2 Maltese dogs, and we wanted to say we are manely impressed with how egsellent your spelling is! Also, thank you for having the info about helping the wolves. Also, LoLLy is a rescue dog so we do stuff for rescues 2! Maybe you will come visit us at our Dog Blog (animals only!! no humans allowed!!) to tell us about your life we are sure everybody would love to hear about it!

Love, your PaLs, LuLU and LoLLy!

Mr. Hendrix said...

That sounds like a great way to spend the first couple of days of the year. Happy New Year to you both!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Khyra!
My mom is an idiot! She forgot about the Chat!
I hope you had a pawesome day!
Kisses and hugs