Sunday, December 21, 2008


This is a special Sunday!
We've got TWO birthdays to give a woo out fur!

It is THE Princess Eva's ! ! !

AND it is also the birthday of Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie's mom! ! !

It is kind of khool and fatelike that they share a birthday fur I have S/T/CM's humom to thank fur my friendship with the beaWOOtiful Eva! Earlier this year, when I was still kind of a newbie to the blogworld, Sitka's mom let The SMS moms know that Eva khould use our good wishes and thoughts fur her sister Tasha. So, I visited their blog for the furst time and pawed a message of support and khoncern. Well, I soon made their blog a regular stop on my blog rounds. Without khausing too much leakage now, when Tasha lost her fight and had to khross, my mom and I tried to help Eva and her mom. Even though we are tooooo many miles apart, we ofFURed our hearts and paws and shoulders and hands fur assistance and our khrazy moms have bekhome buddies, pals, and furiends! They have exchanged many emails with pretty much no topic left out of the khonversation pool!

Akhtually, I was kind of responsible fur Eva's new blog title. It seemed to fit the changes she had made as she bekhame the only khanine fur a while and helped her pawrents through losing Tasha.

I would like to thank my BFF's mom fur allowing us to bekhome furiends and fur our moms to bekhome friends as well. I'm glad they have each other! It so spares me from having to listen to my mom since she khan chat about that kind of stuff with Eva and Brice's momma.

Happy Birthday Shelli!

Happy Barkday Eva!



PeeEssWoo: Being furiends with a PRINCESS is just soooo freakin' KHOOL!



Anonymous said...

Woo are so furry khool. You made mom smile and leak all at the sAme time. Hugs and kisses to you Khyra and happy birthday to Eva!!!!!

Princess Eva and Brice said...

Thank You! Momma says she has special things planned for me.

Princess Eva

P.S. But Brice is growly in your direction cuz you made Momma cry.

Jack & Moo said...

Awww, that's so sweet! I guess being caring & compassionate just comes naturally to the people we own. That's whey we choose them!

Woos & a-roos,
Star & Jack a-roo

Khady Lynn said...

Happy Birthday to two Be-woooo-tiful girls!!!

Phbbb and KhL

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey we're going to head back over to Sitka's blog to wish her mum a happy birthday.
Happy birthday Eva.

Noah x

Teddy Westlife said...

Those are nice things you have done Khyra. Happy birthday to everyone!

Huffle Mawson, Honorary Husky and Explorer Cat

Duke said...

Happy birthday to Shelli and Eva! Wouldn't it be fun if they could celebrate together!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Birthday to our two very special and very pretty ladies. The OP Pack thinks woo are both beautiful princesses.

Hope woo all get lots of nice pressies and a wonderful year to come.

Woos, the OP Pack

Raising Addie said...

WOW we will have to make our rounds and so some wishing!

Khyra, you and your mom are sooo very sweet!


The Daily Echo said...

Happy, Happy Birthday Grrrls! Definately 2 special ladies. I'm sure there will be khake....right?
Pee S: I got my khake fix last night. When nobuddy was looking I licked a balloon decoration off our boy's khake. It was YUMMY!

D.K. Wall said...

And the great full circle is that you introduced us to Eva's blog and to ST&CM's blog as well and we go there often. Happy Birthdays to everyone!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

Oh Khyra you have just the bestest mom for helping out a friend in need.
We did offer Dad a cookie for his efforts but he isn't to kean on Old Mother Hubboards bones..

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Happy Birthday to all!

Leaking and in the UK!

So glad my secret is out too!

lots of barks and licks,
Marvin xxxxxxxxx

hey, isn't it grand to be part of DWB, what friends and fun we have made!


Stella said...

As a newcomer to all of this, I can only say I am proud and happy to be part of the group. Khyra and her Mom are such good peoples and I and my Mom are proud to know them. Now I am gonna go give wishes dureckly to the Birthday girlies!


Amber-Mae said...

Oh, thanks for letting us know. Will zoom straight to their blogs & wish them all Happy Birthday!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Hi Khyra!

I just thought I'd drop on by and say Hi!

~Mack's Cousin Katie

The Army of Four said...

Two birthdays, two gorgeous babes. Does it get any better?!
Play bows,

Lorenza said...

Happy Birthday Eva!
Happy Birthday Sitka's Mom!
Happy Sunday for you Khyra!
Kisses and hugs

Joe Stains said...

Happy Birthday to two lovely ladies!! We did a Strollin Sunday today!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Happy birthday to Eva and Shelli! Eva is a beautiful doggie.

-The Mullin Clan's Mommy- said...

We already stopped by Pricess Eva's bloggie to wish her a 'happy birfday,' AND next stop will be S/T/CM to wish their Mommy a big 'happy birfday,' too!

We are glad to be friends wif you, too, Khyra! Isn't R Daddy's piggies funny wif the black & gold on them, haroo!

Takes care,

-da boys, Cosmos & Juneau-

Moco said...

How cool is that. This DWB place is the best.

the many Bs said...

hi Khyra, that's is so cool that your mom and Eva's mom became good friends. we like to hear stories like that.


Kathryn and Ari said...

Khyra, that's a fabulous story. Thanks for sharing it!

And happy winter to you, too. Are you getting some of this crazy snow tonight? We not only have a blizzard, we also have lightening and thunder! Try getting a dog--even one who is half husky--to go outside and pee in conditions like THAT.

Koobuss said...

What a nice story!! I have met many wonderful furiends in Doggie Bloggie land, too. Sorry to hear about Tasha. It's so hard to lose a a best furiend.

Happy Birthday to Sasha and Eva!

Thanks for your best wishes that you left on my bloggie and same to you!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Dewey Dewster said...


How nice of ya ta remember yer friends birthdays....'n how cool is it ta have one around Christmas.... Happy Birthday ta everyone who's havin' one ....'n Merry Christmas ta ya Khyra....we missed the snow this time around but we're gettin' the frigid stay safe 'n warm til it blows by.....

Dewey Dewster here....

Randi Lyn said...

WOO Khyra, happy winter to woo too!!! Kayla and Maebe

Steve, Kat, & Wilbur said...

It didn't take long for you to become the social butterfly of the blog scene!!


Pippa said...

Darling Eva is sooooo beautiful.

Mistress likes Eva's mommy too. She knew that you were friends and that you were a special person for trying to help when lovely Tasha went to the Bridge.


My Two Best Friends said...


What a great day for a Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to Eva and Shelli!

Isn't so great how our blogs have helped people become new friends!!! We are happy for all of mom's new friends!
Hugs and Kisses
Thor and Marco Polo